What's Your Decorating Style?
Decorating styles vary almost as much as color. Well not really but there sure are a lot of them.
The old stand-bys are still out there, but there is also an influx of new and a resurgence of old ones thought to be long forgotten.
The style should be about you a reflection of your family’s personality. When you find it, you will know, as it will create a feeling of comfort and belonging.
So let’s get started and see if we can’t determine your favorite style.
If you started with us at the beginning, you have already started a scrapbook of spaces and things that you like. This will come in handy in helping us define your personal style.
If you are just joining us, you will want to do this exercise. Cut out and save as many magazine clippings as you can. Visit furniture showrooms and home shows if possible.
Usually their displays will have current furnishings, colors and fabrics of different styles. You may also want to go to the beginning and check out the section on the Master Plan.
Knowing your style is important. It will be the single most influential factor in making most decisions for your project. It will affect your choice of architecture, furniture, color and accessories.
Go to the bottom of this page to see a highly recommended resource.
Picking Your Style
Here are the most popular. Click on a decorating style in the table below, a new window will open with a brief description.
Principles of Good Design
As you review the different styles, keep in mind these basic design principles; balance, rhythm and emphasis. They are described in the design world as follows:
Balance - Bringing equilibrium to the space.
- Symmetrical Balance - Where two objects in a room are exactly the same and are placed equidistant from each other and from other elements. It is visually pleasing.
- Asymmetrical Balance - When two objects fight for equal attention due to where they are placed. A little tricky to pull off, but can be pleasing to the eye if done properly.
- Radial Balance - When the attraction is radiating from the center of a space or design element.
Rhythm - Continuity and stability come to mind when describing rhythm. The combined elements must give a feeling that they belong together. There are four ways to achieve rhythm; they are as follows:
- Repetition - A common feature is carried (repeated) throughout the decorating scheme.
- Domination - A dominance of one feature or focal point that carries the eye by creating clean lines and shapes.
- Alternation - Steps from one element to another in a logical manner. It can be achieved with color, material changes or shape.
- Gradation - A gradual increase or decrease in a design. Color is a great way to handle this type of rhythm.
Emphasis - The focal point in the design. It can be broken down into two different types as follows:
- Area - Creating an area of interest in a certain area.
- Themed - Interest created around a certain item or surface.
Regardless of what type of decorating style or styles you choose, these design principles can assist you in achieving an aesthetically pleasing space.
Remodeling101.com highly recommends "Awaken Your Interior Designer!" and "How to Create Rooms of Radiance".
This collection is an all in one decorators guide. With over 1000 photos and illustrations this four e-book collection will help guide you through the entire decorating process.
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