Lightning Protection

Lightning Strikes

Lightning protection systems are designed by professionals and are custom to each home. Although no system can guarantee 100% protection against a direct strike, this type of system will give you the best chance.

One scary fact that should have everyone sitting up and taking notice is that there are 40 million lightning strikes each year with over a billion dollars in damage to buildings and belongings in the United States alone.

Not only is the danger present for damage to expensive equipment and appliances but also fire in the home’s electrical panel. With over 30 million volts able to be carried in a single lightning bolt; the fact is that you don’t even need a direct strike to have major damage.

A ground strike nearby can find its way into your home via many routes. Cable, satellite dishes and telephone lines, sprinkler systems, invisible pet fences, weather vanes can all lend passage to your home.

The systems are installed to absorb the strike so to speak and direct the current safely into the ground. This is accomplished by the engineering of the system which provides a route for the surge to travel.

Exposing the Myth


Many have a misunderstanding of these systems. There is a myth that lightning rods (or air terminals) which are part of the system attract lightening.

This is simply not true.

It also does not deter it from coming.

There are areas however that are more prone to thunderstorms and thus the likelihood of lightning strike.

Homes in these types of areas should use a three tier system with surge protectors (point of use units), surge suppressors or arrestors (installed at the electrical panel) and a lightning protection system if possible.

It is the best way to ensure that family and property are as safe as they possibly can be.

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